Riding Trails: The TET Code of Conduct

Well I’m a ‘Linesman’ for the TET so I subscribe to this: The Trans Euro Trail Code of Conduct

Europe’s open spaces are growing more and more congested. As well as those that live and work in the countryside, there are many leisure groups wanting to take advantage of our dwindling green spaces.

As TET users, we have a responsibility to ourselves and the riders that come after us to ensure that access is maintained.

We should aim to be ambassadors of Trail Riding – that is riding and using the trails respectfully and sensitively.

TET subscribes to the following Code of Conduct:

Use only vehicular rights of way and respect signs

Motorcycles and riders must be road-legal, licensed and insured.

Keep to the defined way across farmland as wheels can damage crops and grass – they are someone’s livelihood.

Give way to walkers, horses and cyclists by stopping and switching off engines as necessary on narrow trails and slowing down, giving a wide berth and avoiding sending gravel and dust flying on wider ones.

Leave gates as you found them so as to safeguard stock.

Travel at a safe speed taking regard of conditions and visibility – the TET is not and should never be regarded as a racetrack

Ride quietly and use the throttle with discretion as noise does offend.

Do not travel in large groups – six or less is the ideal.

Respect the countryside and those who live, work and play in it.

Remember that trails can be fragile and susceptible to erosion especially when wet. Please consider a detour.

Acknowledge the presence of other trail users with a friendly wave and a smile – it doesn’t cost anything!

If you witness dangerous or irresponsible behaviour on the trails and it safe to do so, we would ask you to have the moral courage to have a chat – you might just sow a seed that will flourish

Ride within your and your bike’s capabilities.

Contribute to the viability of rural communities by spending your money with local businesses.

We believe that if we measure our actions and TET use against the following 3 criteria, then we can all help to change people’s perceptions of trail riders for the better:

1. Respect for the trails
2. Respect for the communities we travel through
3. Respect for the environment